Grand Debut in Riyadh

Grand Debut in Riyadh

شارك هذا المقال

  • Riyadh is set to host the inauguration of the Gulf region's first European Chamber of Commerce on May 8, a milestone moment shaping the future of trade cooperation between the European Union (EU) and Saudi Arabia. Termed "historic" by the official website of the European Chamber of Commerce in Saudi Arabia, the event signals a pivotal step towards fostering economic ties.
  • The European Chamber of Commerce in Saudi Arabia (ECCKSA) aims to emerge as the voice of European businesses in the GCC countries, backed by support from the EU. Its primary goal is to streamline market access for member companies, ensuring equitable opportunities for both European and Saudi enterprises. Sector-specific committees within the chamber will tackle various industry-related challenges, offering insights and recommendations to enhance market access and contribute to Saudi Arabia's long-term economic prosperity.

السبب في أهمية الخبر

This initiative aligns with agreements forged during the Saudi-European Investment Forum last October, underscoring the importance of EU-Saudi coordination in propelling economic transformations.


استثمر بذكاء

انضم لأكثر من 35,000 قارئ لنشرة «أخبركة» اليومية واشترك في النشرة للاطلاع على أهم الأخبار المالية المحلية والعالمية في 5 دقائق.
استثمر بذكاء
