AI on the Rise

AI on the Rise

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  • OpenAI is on track for $3.4 billion in annual revenue, CEO Sam Altman announced during an all-hands meeting. The majority of this revenue, about $3.2 billion, stems from OpenAI's products and services. Additionally, the company is set to generate around $200 million by offering access to its AI models via Microsoft Azure.

  • OpenAI has become a major player in AI development, driven by the viral success of ChatGPT. The company's recent tender offer valued it at $86 billion. To increase revenue, OpenAI is focusing on selling AI services to enterprise customers and is also developing a more powerful AI model to stay ahead of competitors. In a strategic move, OpenAI recently appointed Sarah Friar, former CEO of Nextdoor Holdings Inc., as its chief financial officer. 

Why it matters

Friar's appointment aims to support OpenAI's continued investment in AI research and global business growth.


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