Beyond OpenAI

Beyond OpenAI

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  • OpenAI co-founder Ilya Sutskever, who left the artificial intelligence startup last month, has introduced his new AI company, Safe Superintelligence (SSI). Announcing the launch on X, Sutskever emphasized SSI’s singular focus on achieving safe superintelligence with one goal and one product.
  • Previously OpenAI’s chief scientist, Sutskever co-led the Superalignment team with Jan Leike, who also left in May to join Anthropic. The Superalignment team, which was dissolved after their departures, was dedicated to guiding and controlling AI systems. Sutskever’s new venture will continue to prioritize safety in AI development. Sutskever has teamed up with Daniel Gross, former overseer of Apple’s AI and search efforts, and Daniel Levy, formerly of OpenAI. 

Why it matters

This new endeavor follows a tumultuous period at OpenAI, where Sutskever played a role in the attempted ouster of CEO Sam Altman, an action for which he later publicly apologized.


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