Blurred Vision

Blurred Vision

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  • Apple is cutting production targets for its Vision Pro due to manufacturing difficulties with the complex design, as reported by the Financial Times. Less than 400,000 units of the $3,499 headset are now planned for production in 2024. Component suppliers in China indicate that Apple has requested parts for only 130,000 to 150,000 units in the first year. 
  • According to the paper, a significant challenge involves developing advanced inward-facing displays that allow the wearer's eyes to be visible to the outside world. The paper also mentioned that Apple is collaborating with Korean display manufacturers to create a more affordable version of the headset. 

Why it matters

Apple made history on Wall Street with a market value surpassing $3 trillion. To sustain sales momentum and boost the struggling mixed-reality industry, Apple introduced the Vision Pro, a high-tech ski goggles-like device with its own operating system (visionOS) and App Store. It is scheduled to release in the US early next year, followed by other regions. However, sales projections have dropped significantly from the initial target of 1 million units in the first year, according to the Financial Times.


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