Buffett Trims HP Stake

Buffett Trims HP Stake

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  • Warren Buffett's company sold off 5.5 million of its HP Inc. shares this week, reducing a position it had initiated just last year. Despite these sales, Berkshire Hathaway still retains ownership of nearly 12% of the printer and computer manufacturer's stock. Even after this week's sales, Berkshire maintains a substantial holding of over 115 million HP shares. It remains unclear whether Buffett's actions signify a simple reduction of the position or if he has become less optimistic about the stock.
  • Following the disclosure of these stock sales in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, HP's stock experienced a nearly 2% drop, trading at $27.80 per share during the first trading session afterward. Investors closely monitor Buffett's investment decisions due to his long-standing and highly successful track record.

Why it matters

Buffett's investment in HP raised eyebrows last spring, given his historical reluctance to invest in technology firms, citing the challenge of identifying long-term winners. However, in recent years, Buffett has become more comfortable with the technology sector, evidenced by Berkshire's substantial stake in Apple, the largest single investment in the conglomerate's $350 billion portfolio. 


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