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Did anyone tell you the metaverse is being a thing, yet?

Did anyone tell you the metaverse is being a thing, yet?

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When you search up the metaverse on Google (GOOGL), it comes up as a “fictional world.” With recent advancements, however, fiction seems to be treading towards reality.

Microsoft (MSFT) has partnered up with semiconductor company QUALCOMM, (QCOM) to develop new chips for the move towards augmented reality (AR). The new custom AR Snapdragon chip will power future “next-generation, power-efficient, and very lightweight” AR glasses within Microsoft’s ecosystems.

Qualcomm has been focusing on AR and VR chips for the past few years and this announcement is only the latest of its advancements towards its AR goals. The chip platform software will integrate Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Spaces XR development platform with Microsoft’s Mesh platform. 

Why it matters

This partnership is the latest of the two’s seemingly buddy-buddy relationship as the two have previously integrated their platforms. For example, in 2019, the two integrated Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 850 chip to power Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 headset.


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