Farewell, Twitter Bird

Farewell, Twitter Bird

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  • Elon Musk has officially rebranded the company by changing its famous bird logo to an "X." He announced the sweeping rebrand on social media, stating that the platform would gradually move away from the "twitter" brand and all bird-related imagery.
  • The domain X.com now directs users to Twitter's homepage, although Twitter.com remains active. The rebranding process is ongoing, and the mobile app's branding has not yet changed for many users. This rebranding effort began in April when the company changed its name from Twitter Inc. to X Corp., as stated in court filings.

Why it matters

The rebranding marks a significant shift in Twitter's identity and direction under Elon Musk's ownership. The move also highlights Musk's active involvement in shaping the platform's future and aligns with his ambitious vision for the company's growth and development.


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