Ford does the splits

Ford does the splits

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The revolution will be electric. This is proving to be true in the automotive industry. Ford (F) is the latest carmaker to announce its strategy to tackle the fossil fuel issue head-on. It has announced its decision to split its car-making offering into two divisions, one for EVs and one for gas-powered vehicles. Wall Street responded positively to the restructuring of the company, with stocks moving up on the news as investors welcomed Ford's commitment to growing its electric business.

Dubbed the Ford Model E division and Model Blue for gas, Ford will still retain full ownership of both parts of the business, despite the advice of Wall Street Banks. Ford framed it as a necessary move that will help it better compete with companies like Tesla (TSLA), which have the luxury of focusing on only one type of vehicle technology. "Model E will nurture the talent and the culture and the intensity of a high-tech start-up," explained CEO Jim Farley.

Why it matters

If you’ve been reading this newsletter for a while, then you know the next word Tesla. Elon Musk's brainchild (well, one of them) has got carmakers scrambling to launch the next big thing for EVs. VW even recently announced its decision to start focussing more on its ID electric line, pushing aside its core breadwinner the Golf.


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