Lego’s basic building blocks

Lego’s basic building blocks

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What do parents do when given antsy locked-down children and a fear of too much screen time? The answer is — toys!

With no visitations and way too much reliance on screens to make up for a lack of human contact, toys found their sweet spot during lockdown, and your favorite toy (the one you probably accidentally stepped on and yelled every curse word you know) has been a family favorite this merry covid lockdown…

The Danish toy production company Lego saw its sales increase by 27% in 2021 and profits rose by nearly 33%. The company has directed its successes as a combination of strategic investments, plus increased D2C (direct-to-consumer) sales. 

Why it matters

The company recognizes that this growth is a stint from the pandemic’s lockdown and as the world is reopening in 2022, the company expects its growth to slow to single digits.


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