What is stock gifting?

Stock gifting is a feature that allows you to gift stocks or stock credit. Instead of traditional gifts, you can offer someone the opportunity to potentially benefit from the growth of these securities over time.

How do I claim a stock gift?

1. View the details of the gift and make sure to claim your gift before the deadline. You won’t be able to claim the gift after the deadline
2. Log in or sign up to baraka
3. Once you claim your gift, the stock or stock credit will reflect on your gifting wallet balance

How can I Create a Gift?
1. Head to your dashboard
2. Click on gift icon
3. Click on “Send Gift”
4. Choose a design for the card
5. Enter the email of the recipient
6. Optional: Enter a personalized message for the recipient
7. Choose stock (optional) and enter the gift amount
8. Confirm

How to View Unclaimed Gifts
1. Head to your dashboard
2. Click on gift icon
3. A “Gift History” section will be displayed, showing any unclaimed gifts, if any

Will the gift be added to the recipient’s Baraka wallet automatically?
Recipients need to have registered accounts and actively claim their gift on baraka within 60 days of receiving it for it to be added to their account.

Can I cancel the gift order after it has been sent? Once a gift is sent, the action cannot be reversed. If the recipient does not claim the gift within 60 days, the amount will be refunded to your Baraka account.

Is there a fee to sending gifts? Yes, there’s a flat fee of 5$ per gift transaction.

Is there a minimum amount for gifting? No, there is no minimum amount.

Is there a maximum amount for gifts?
No, there is no specific maximum amount; however, gifts exceeding $1,000 must undergo approvals before they can be processed.